TTAP Factory 2023 Showreel
Take a look at our demo reel. TTAP has captured some of our fantastic IP projects that our young animators developed in collaboration with other local studios in Trinidad and Tobago.
Official Launch of the TTAP Factory | Animae Caribe 2021
Get an insight into the world of TTAP by checking out this launch video. Trinidad and Tobago Animation Production (TTAP) Factory is an animation new digital media project in partnership with IDB Lab and UTT. The TTAP Factory is a hub where animators can access the best technology and benefit from ongoing skills upgrades, marketing support and international industry connections required to expand export.
Summit TTAP Carnival
Here is a virtual taste of Carnival. The Trinidad and Tobago Animation Factory (TTAP) team building on the cultural heritage of Trinidad and Tobago produced Carnival filters based on traditional Carnival characters such as the “Blue Devil”, “Midnight Robber’ and others. The team demonstrates its creative process and how these filters can help capture Carnival’s virtual experience.